In January 2023, I was watching one video about this topic “How to free yourself from GAFAM ? with Framasoft”3).
Really interesting and during the video, one guy from Framasoft was talking about a story of tracking applications in the US:
For 160 US dollars you could buy data telling you if a women aborted, when and where !
WTF?!? source in english source in French
Sad reminder: yes it is now illegal in some US states.
CC BY-SA 2.0 FR: Gee
Everyone has a threshold, they just reached mine. I decided to restart the big fight to quit GAFAM. Show that it is possible and reduce the power that GAFAM companies have on our life, our futur.
As I said, I already tried to quit GAFAM a long time ago. I wanted to highlight some projects that helped me or at least to say that I was happy to see that something else than GAFAM was existing.
I was convinced, and I still am, that the first quick win that I could achieve was to stop using an iPhone. That's why I tried Firefox OS. I love Firefox browser and their philosophy, that's why I was really excited by this phone OS but too many bugs. I was not able to just receive messages and manage calls.
This english company seems to provide a phone with an clean OS. I was wondering if it could fit my use case but sending the hardware to Canada looked complicated and really expensive and their software package/subscription did not provide me confidence. Maybe I am wrong but I did not go further.
Last but not least, Murena is the last one I discovered and it should be the one I would start my quit-gafam-quest. No subscription. You can buy their cloud solution only if you want but we can use your own Nextcloud instance. Looks good to me .
As I said, in my use case, I guess that the best first step for my quest will be to stop using my iPhone and the iCloud subscription that comes with.
I know there will be some challenges:
CC BY-SA 2.0 FR: Gee